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Flipping up GIANTS in RMMC Q-2! (Lake Okeechobee)
Flipping up GIANTS RMMC Q-2!! (Lake Okeechobee)
GIANT Bass BEATDOWN with my GF!! (Lake Okeechobee)
Boat flipping 29lbs of Lake Okeechobee Bass in the OFH 1 man event
BOAT FLIPPIN EM on OKEECHOBEE!! #shorts #fishing
HOTTEST Day of Summer and still CRACKED 25LBS!
Absolute Smash Fest on Lake Okeechobee
BIG BASS on OKEECHOBEE!!! Refuse to Sink Memorial Tournament
Shad Spawn BIGS on Lake Okeechobee!
RECORD BREAKING DAY 33LBS of Lake Okeechobee Bass!! (Roland Martin Marine Series)
Over 30lbs in Roland Martin Marine Series on Okeechobee!!!
I'm Going to Fish like Randy Blaukat - NO MORE LiveScope